DAA BVLOS Solutions


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Accipiter is a global leader in providing affordable, smart surveillance systems and wide-area radar networks and services to safety and security practitioners, who require user-friendly, tactical and strategic decision support to protect the public and reduce risk associated with a variety of uncooperative target threats. Accipiter’s proven products and services are now used by governments, airports, and large multi-nationals, providing peace of mind while ensuring growth, flexibility, scalability and continued affordability.

Accipiter has been Targeting a Safer World® for more than 30 years; delivering bird and drone detection at commercial airports and military airfields around the world; maritime & air domain awareness, aiding port security, protecting borders, search & rescue and law enforcement; and providing public safety for waterways, hydro-electric facilities and dams.

Our Cloud Surveillance® Airview , provides users with real-time DAA-Enabled, BVLOS UAV Operations to stay well Clear of crewed aircraft as Intended, while our Cloud Intelligence ® services provide browser-based analytics detailing historical target traffic patterns over a region and time period.


Ensuring BVLOS UAV Operations stay well clear of crewed aircraft as intended. Dr Tim J. Nohara explains the importance working with stake holders and regulators to enable continued waiver compliance and system reliability, utilizing Accipiter’s Smart Surveillance Networks.

Accipiter’s patented Radar Intelligence Network™ (RIN) platform technology provides a sensor & device agnostic approach to smart surveillance systems, delivering resilience through flexibility, interoperability and information sharing. This novel approach lends itself all domain awareness and as such multiple applications.

Accipiter’s Cloud Intelligence® Airview provides live situational understanding and alerting to enable Detect & Alert (DAA) for BVLOS operations as well as Counter-UAS detection, for applications such as:

  • Drone as First Responder (DFR)
  • Power Plant Inspections & Protection
  • Transmission Line and Substation Inspections
  • Pipeline and Rail Line Inspections & Security
  • Port Operations Management
  • Aviation Safety at Commercial Airports & Military Airfields

To find out more or discuss a specific application, please contact us below:

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